defamation, braille Defamation 명예훼손 Braille smutchA stain, smudge or blot clammy sticky and slightly wet in an unpleasantway: My hands felt all clammy. It was a hot, clammy day. Sign Language English 2018.06.28
Related to denuclearization Nonproliferation Studiesrestrictive sanctions fissile material North Korea to unilaterally dismantle the site denuclearization North Korea cancelled high-level talks with South Korea,reckless statementsthat was a total decimationnuclear disarmament.North Korea has s.. English 2018.05.23
amendment Collusion stranded avalanche stigma amputate lads amendmenta minor change or addition designed to improve a text, piece of legislation, etc."an amendment to existing bail laws" Collusion (공모, 결탁...)secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy in order to deceive others."the armed forces were working in collusion with drug traffickers" I'm strandedit kind of means trapped or unable to leave somewhere. An example is: He was stranded at sea. avalan.. English 2018.01.26
라스베가스 총기 난사 Las Vegas shooting: At least 59 dead at Mandalay Bay Hotel vantage: a position giving a strategic advantage, commanding perspective, or comprehensive view출처 Concert-goer: a person who attends concerts especially frequently.출처: dumbfound: to make speechle.. English 2017.10.03
In the Formula1 news Malaysian Grand Prix verdict: 'Fate favouring Lewis Hamilton but work to do' fend off - prevent the occurrence offend off - prevent the occurrence of출처: conflate: 연합, to combine two or more separate things, especially pieces of text, to form a whole출처: English 2017.10.02
정치 용어 Catalonia referendum: Thousands turn out for closing rally referendum: 국민 투표국민투표제는 크게 레퍼렌덤(referendum)과 플레비사이트(plebiscite)[1] 의 두 가지로 나눌 수 있다. 레퍼렌덤은 소위 '협의의 국민표결'이라 하며, 플레비사이트는 '국민결정'이라 일컫는다. 양자는 모두 국민표결 내지 국민투표에 의하여 이루어진다는 점에서는 같지만, 내용면에서는 헌법규범적 부분인가 또는 헌법현실적 부분인가에 따라 그 성격을 달리한다.[2] 따라서 레퍼랜덤은 헌법 등에 명기된 합법적 · 영구적인 제도인 데 반해, 플레비사이트는 국가제도적 성격은 갖지 않는 일시적.. English 2017.09.30
scavenge scavenge verb (used with object), scavenged, scavenging.1. to take or gather (something usable) from discarded material.2. to cleanse of filth, as a street.3. to expel burnt gases from (the cylinder of an internal-combustion engine).4. Metallurgy. to purify (molten metal) by introducing a substance that will combine chemically with impurities. verb (used without object), scavenged, scavenging.5... English 2017.02.22