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[English with Yoo] Screw around
Hi everyone! This is Jennifer Yoo with ENGLISH WITH YOO! 안녕하세요 English with Yoo!의 Jennifer Yoo입니다. */ /*-->*/ /*-->*/ /*-->*/ /*-->*/ 퍼가기 복사하기 라디오 [English with Yoo 오디오 듣기] Screw around 오늘의 표현은 screw around입니다.So what does it mean to screw around? Let’s fi
screw around
To screw around means to mess around by wasting time. Screw around은 ‘빈둥거리다’ 또는 ‘시간을 낭비하다’
Jen: Jason, you need to stop screwing around and get back to work!
Jason: I’ll get back to work after I finish watching this television show.
Jen: Oh boy!
You name it
This is common expression that is used to say there are many things to choose from. It simply means ‘anything’. You name it은 ‘무엇이든지’, ‘네가 말하는 건 전부’
Jen: Can I get something to drink?
Jason: Of course. Whatever it is - you name it.
Jen: Really?
Jason: Yes. I have orange juice, soda, water, beer, wine - you name it.
Jen: I’ll take a glass of wine. Thank you.
For the time being
If I were to describe how a situation will be for the time being, I mean it will be like that for a period of time, but may change in the future. It simply means ‘for the moment, at this time’. For the time being은 ‘당장은’, ‘당분간’
Jen: Have you found a place to live after you graduate?
Jason: No not yet, but I think I am going to live with my parents for the time being.
Jen: Ah, I see.
I’m really stuffed!
If you say that you are really stuffed, you are saying that you are really full from eating. Stuffed 는 무언가 꽉 찼다, 막혔다
Jen: Hey! It’s time for dessert. What should we get?
Jason: Oh man! I’m really stuffed! I don’t have any room for dessert.
Jen: Are you sure you are really stuffed?
Jason: Yes, I’m very sure so you go ahead and order dessert yourself.
To be in the limelight
To be in the limelight means to be in the spotlight. If you are in the limelight, you are at the center of public attention. Lilmelignt은 석회막대를 태울 때 생기는 밝은 빛인데요. 과거 극장의 무대 조명으로 사용됐습니다. 무대 조명을 받으면 당연히 주변 사람의 이목이 집중되겠죠. 그래서in the limelight은 ‘세상의 주목을 받다’ '남의 이목을 끌다' '각광을 받다'
Jen: Oh my! Look at Josh! Why is Josh dancing in the middle of the crowd?
Jason: That’s just him. He’ll do anything to be in the limelight.
Jen: Wow! I didn’t know he loves being in the limelight.
Keep someone posted
If you keep someone posted, you make sure someone knows what is happening. ‘Keep someone posted’는 누군가에게 최신 정보나 진행 상황을 ‘계속 알려주다
Jason: I need to leave now, but keep me posted on anything that happens while I’m away.
Jen: Sure. I will keep you posted by phone or email.
Second to none
Second to none simply means ‘the best’, ‘better than everything else’. So if something is as good as the best, it is second to none. ‘Second to none’을 직역하면 ‘누구에게도 둘째가 아니다’ ‘누구에게도 뒤지지 않는다’는 뜻이니까, 말 그대로 ‘최고’ 혹은 ‘제일’
Jason: Wow! Christine’s piano performance was second to none! I didn’t know she was that good!
Jen: You’re right! Her performance was the best!
A nail-biter is a situation that causes a lot of nervousness and uncertainty. Nail-biter를 직역하면 ‘손톱 깨무는 버릇이 있는 사람’이라는 말이 되죠. 그런데 사람들은 보통 조마조마하거나 긴장된 순간에 손톱을 깨물잖아요? 그래서 'nail-biter'는 조마조마하거나 손에 땀을 쥐게 하는 경기나 영화
Jason: Yesterday’s basketball game was a real nail-biter!
Jen: It sure was a nail-biter! Both teams were really good.
Stay on top of it
If you stay on top of it you keep well informed about someone or something. Stay on top of something은 어떤 일이나 상황을 잘 파악하거나 혹은 관리, 통제하고 있다는 뜻입니다. 어떤 상황을 완전히 장악하고 있다는 의미
Jason: I’m gonna need help organizing all these packages coming in. If I don’t stay on top of it, I’m going to lose track of which packages came from who.
Alice: Sure. I will help you stay on top of it.
It is a hassle.
Hassle / hassle 는 ~귀찮은/ 번거로운/ 골치 아프다 이라는 뜻입니다.
그래서 It is a hassle 하면 ~귀찮은 일이다 // ~번거로운 상황이다
Jen: George, it seems like you have a big list of ‘Back to School’ items for your kids.
George: This is my first year doing it. My wife usually does it so yes…it is a hassle for me.
It’s something that I’m not very used to, but we’re going to try to do as best as we can.
Knock yourself out
To “knock yourself out” means to go for it. It simply means to do as one pleases and to go ahead and do something. ‘Knock yourself out’는 ‘마음대로 해’ '원하는 대로 해 봐'라는 뜻입니다. 누군가 뭔가 하고 싶은 일이 있을 때, 마음껏 해보라고 말해주는 겁니다.
Jason: Hey, do you mind if I borrow your car to pick up Katie from the airport?
Jen: Sure, go ahead. Knock yourself out.
Tick someone off
If you tick someone off you really make someone angry, frustrated or annoyed. You could also use the expression “I’m ticked off” to express that you are upset or annoyed. Tick someone off라는 표현은 누군가를 진짜 화나게 하다, 성가시게 굴다 라는 뜻입니다. 또 아이를 꾸짖거나 나무랄 때 ‘tick someone off’라는 표현을 쓰기도 합니다. 그리고 “I’m ticked off”라고도 하면, “나 삐쳤어” 또는 “나 화났어”라는 뜻입니다.
Jason: What’s wrong? You seem ticked off.
Jen: I am! Justin keeps pulling pranks on me and it really ticks me off.
Jason: You’d better tell him to stop then.
Jen: I’ve told him so many times already! Ugh!