to cause someone to be completely unable to understand or explain something:
She was completely baffled by his strange behaviour
1 if something is slick, it is done in a skilful and attractive way and seems expensive, but it often contains no important or interesting ideas
Hollywood production slick advertising
The presentation was very slick.
2 if someone is slick, they are good at persuading people, often in a way that does not seem honest
a slick used-car salesman
3 done smoothly and quickly
He got round the defender using some slick footwork.
4 smooth and slippery
Cars were sliding off roads that were slick with rain.
that was a slick (‘멋있다’는 뜻의〈cool〉대신 쓰이는 말로〈slick〉이 있다. <slick>은 고전적인 우아한 아름다움보다 현대적이고 깔끔한 멋을 말한다. 이를테면 시카고는〈slick〉한 도시이고 파리는〈beautiful〉한 도시이다. 벤츠는〈beautiful car〉이고 페라리는〈slick car〉이다. 이와 같이〈slick〉은 ‘스포티한 멋’을 말하기도 한다.)
“ I slicked my hair back.” Meaning they gelled their hair back.
“Omg that was so slick.” This is means someone is complimenting another about how smooth a persons actions were.
즉흥적으로, 즉석에서 짓다
to invent or make something, such as a speech or a device, at the time when it is needed without already having planned it:
I hadn't prepared a speech so I suddenly had to improvise.
We improvised a mattress from a pile of blankets.
It'll be a cakewalk.
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