war words(conscript, retaliation, revolt ...)
conscript (징병, conscription)
to force someone by law to serve in one of the armed forces:
He was conscripted into the army at the age of 18.
retaliation (앙갚음, 보복)
the act of hurting someone or doing something harmful to someone because they have done or said something harmful to you:
The bomb attack was in retaliation for the recent arrest of two well-known terrorists. She suffered severe retaliation for writing articles for the newspapers.
revolt (반란)
If a large number of people revolt, they refuse to be controlled or ruled, and take action against authority, often violent action:
The people revolted against foreign rule and established their own government.
prone (경향이 있는)
(TENDING) be prone to sth/do sth C2
likely to suffer from an illness or show a particular negative characteristic:
I've always been prone to headaches. He was prone to depression even as a teenager. She's prone to exaggerate, that's for sure.
remnant (잔재)
a small piece or amount of something that is left from a larger original piece or amount:
the remnants of last night's meal remnants of the city's former glory a carpet remnant
concession (양보, 용인된것, 면허, 이권, 특권, 조차지)
something that is allowed or given up, often in order to end a disagreement, or the act of allowing or giving this:
Both sides involved in the conflict made some concessions in yesterday's talks. He stated firmly that no concessions will be made to the terrorists.
the act of admitting defeat:
The former president's concession came even before all the votes had been counted. a concession speech
attrition (마찰, 마모, 소모, 약화)
formal gradually making something weaker and destroying it, especially the strength or confidence of an enemy by repeatedly attacking it:
Terrorist groups and the government have been engaged in a costly war of attrition since 2008.
natural wastage business a reduction in the number of people who work for an organization that is achieved by not replacing those people who leave
wastage the people who leave an educational or training course before it has finished: The high attrition rates on the degree programs are a cause for concern.
convoy (호송, 수송, 수송대)
to travel with a vehicle or group of people to make certain that they arrive safely:
Two tanks convoyed the trucks across the border.
armistice (휴전)
a formal agreement between two countries or groups at war to stop fighting for a particular time, especially to talk about possible peace:
A two-week armistice has been declared between the rival factions.
reparation (배상금)
payment for harm or damage:
The company had to make reparation to those who suffered ill health as a result of chemical pollution.
source: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/