Official version of oneAPI downloaded from Intel website only supports Intel GPU.
To use Nvidia GPU....
1. Download the oneAPI for NVIDIA GPUs installer.
The CUDA version must be greater than 11.0.
2. Run the downloaded self-extracting installer:
sh oneapi-for-nvidia-gpus-2023.0.0-linux.sh
3. Set Up Your Environment
. /opt/intel/oneapi/setvars.sh --include-intel-llvm
4. Verify Your installation
[ext_oneapi_cuda:gpu:0] NVIDIA CUDA BACKEND, TITAN RTX 0.0 [CUDA 11.0]
5. Compile code
clang++ -fsycl -fsycl-targets=nvptx64-nvidia-cuda simple-sycl-app.cpp -o simple-sycl-app
6. Run the application with:
SYCL_DEVICE_FILTER=cuda SYCL_PI_TRACE=1 ./simple-sycl-app