From https://mail.python.org/pipermail/tutor/2002-March/012903.html
[Tutor] how to install python on unix machine if you don't have root
David Primmer dave@primco.org
Fri, 15 Mar 2002 23:30:25 -0800
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You don't need root but you do need write privledges to a dir. This will most likely be your homedir and so I use ~ in these docs. I did this tonight on my web host http://www.webaxxs.net because they only offer 1.5.2. (newer accts get 2.1 I think) They're running redhat linux 6.2 on intel. Read the README doc in the root of the tarball for more detailed info. Get python http://python.org (I used the lynx browser to get it) Download Python-2.2.tgz to your homedir or somewhere like that and extract to Python-2.2 with the commands: tar zxf Python-2.2.tgz cd Python-2.2 Next, type this command to configure options for your system ./configure Normally you'd type 'make' in the root of Python-2.2 but if you run make now you'll probably have some problems because this will attempt to install everything in /usr/local/. These instructions are modified so that python is installed into your home directory. make altinstall prefix=~ exec-prefix=~ 'prefix=~' installs all platform-independent files in ~/lib and 'exec-prefix=~' installs all binary and other platform-specific files in ~/bin This installs the same set of files as "make install" except it doesn't create the hard link to "python<version>" named "python" and it doesn't install the manual page at all. I create a link in ~/bin with ln -s python2.2 python And since my system has python 1.5.2 in /usr/bin, in my .bashrc I short-circuit that with alias python='~/bin/python' hope this helps out some newbies. davep
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