Science&Enigneering/Linux setting

Installing local directory

##- 2015. 12. 2. 16:12


[Tutor] how to install python on unix machine if you don't have root

David Primmer 
Fri, 15 Mar 2002 23:30:25 -0800

You don't need root but you do need write privledges to a dir. This will
most likely be your homedir and so I use ~ in these docs. I did this
tonight on my web host because they only offer
1.5.2. (newer accts get 2.1 I think) They're running redhat linux 6.2 on

Read the README doc in the root of the tarball for more detailed info.

Get python (I used the lynx browser to get it)

Download Python-2.2.tgz to your homedir or somewhere like that and
extract to Python-2.2 with the commands:

	tar zxf Python-2.2.tgz

	cd Python-2.2

Next, type this command to configure options for your system


Normally you'd type 'make' in the root of Python-2.2 but if you run make
now you'll probably have some problems because this will attempt to
install everything in /usr/local/. These instructions are modified so
that python is installed into your home directory.

	make altinstall prefix=~ exec-prefix=~

'prefix=~' installs all platform-independent files in ~/lib and
'exec-prefix=~' installs all binary and other platform-specific files in

This installs the same set of files as "make install" except it doesn't
create the hard link to "python<version>" named "python" and it doesn't
install the manual page at all.

I create a link in ~/bin with 
	ln -s python2.2 python

And since my system has python 1.5.2 in /usr/bin, in my .bashrc I
short-circuit that with 

	alias python='~/bin/python'

hope this helps out some newbies.

